Deeper Life

Alexis on Taking Risks, Making Changes, and Knowing You're Worth Taking Risks On

Episode Summary

Join Alexis as she shares big risks she's taken in life, what she's learned and how to feel like you're worth taking chances on, because you are!

Episode Notes

Join Alexis as she shares big risks she's taken in life, what she's learned and how to feel like you're worth taking chances on, because you are! 

Journal Prompts on Risks and Change:

  1. Think back to moments when you were taking chances/risks. Why did you take them, how did you do it and how did you feel?
  2. What is something you know you need to change in your life?
  3. What are three things keeping you from going for it?
  4. Free hand journal what life could look like if you made that change.
  5. What's one thing you can do in the next 24 hours to work towards that change?

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